
Kane’s replacement is a “traitor” who doesn’t even look at Tottenham’s urgent need

Tottenham are not planning to sign Romelo Lukaku.

Tottenham’s striker resources became urgent as Harry Kane moved to Bayern Munich. After Kane’s departure, Hishalisson continues to get the opportunity but is still stuck in last season’s slump. After the opening of the 2023-24 season, Hishalisson has shown himself unable to integrate into the team in both league games. Not only tactical competence but also individual performance was a problem.

Then rumors continued that Tottenham would start recruiting strikers because it earned a lot of transfer money from selling Kane. The player connected in this process was Lukaku. Italian media “Football Italy” said on the 14th (Korea Standard Time), “Tottenham desperately needs a proven and experienced scorer to replace Kane, who recently left. “There has been a recent contact (related to Lukaku) between Tottenham and Chelsea,” he reported. 스포츠토토

But this does not appear to be the case. Peter O’Rourke, a reporter for Britain’s “Football Insider,” who is fluent in Tottenham’s internal information, said on the 21st, “Tottenham is seeking contracts for several striker targets to replace Kane. According to Italian media reports, Lukaku could be Tottenham’s option, but according to our sources, Lukaku has not even been on the shortlist considered by Tottenham.

Currently, Lukaku has been branded a traitor and has not been able to sign a contract with any club. After joining Chelsea, he leaves like being kicked out to Inter Milan through irresponsible behavior that publicly says he is not happy with the team. It was revealed that he had contacted Juventus secretly while signing a verbal agreement to transfer completely after the lease from Inter Milan.

Inter Milan, whose trust in Lukaku has disappeared, withdrew their recruitment. Juventus also aimed for Lukaku in preparation for Doosan Blahovic’s departure, but there is no need to recruit Lukaku because Blahovic is staying. Lukaku did not want access from Saudi Arabian clubs. Already, Chelsea are preparing to sell Lukaku without even giving him his back number.

Tottenham’s target player was not Lukaku, but Hong Hyun-seok’s teammate Gift Orban. “One of Tottenham’s goals is Orban,” said O’Rourke. However, after Fulham lost Aleksandar Mitrovic, he was ready to challenge Tottenham to recruit Orban, he explained.

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