Convenience store 7-Eleven announced on July 7 that the “K League Panini Card” launched in partnership with the Korea Football Association is gaining popularity, selling 700,000 packs in six days.The Panini Card is a soccer photo card produced by Italian sports card company Panini.The product introduced by 7-Eleven consists of photos of 100 popular K League players and seven legendary players.The cards were sold out from the time they were pre-sold last month and ranked in the top three in sales among all products when they were released on the first of this month.The best-selling store for the Panini card is 7-Eleven Incheon Star Hills near the Incheon Football Stadium, with 8,000 packs sold so far.7-Eleven rewards customers who purchase 10 packs or more of the Panini Card 카지노사이트 and accumulate stamps with a lottery to win soccer jerseys and official FIFA balls.
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