As summer comes to a close, the Rivers Casino Community Champions will team up with the Hill House Association

The Greenprint walking tour. “Love Your [Resilient] Block” is a partnership between the City of Pittsburgh, Cities of Service and People’s Gas to revitalize Pittsburgh block by block.

Casino Team Members will work alongside the Hill House Association staff to maintain the beauty of the steps and the surrounding trails. Both groups will work together to paint railings, clear litter, and plant shrubs and trees to mitigate runoff rainwater.

“We couldn’t be more excited to work on this project with the Hill House Association, which does so much good for our city,” said Rahmon Hart, director of community development at Rivers Casino. “This project is a great way to get outside and keep the area clean and beautiful for families and neighbors to enjoy.”

In addition to the Chauncey Steps clean-up project, the Hill House Association offers several distinctive programs and services to Pittsburgh’s Hill District community and surrounding areas.

As an independent, nonprofit organization, the Hill House Association serves as a cornerstone of community engagement across generations. In an effort to make a positive community impact, the Hill House caters to the families and individuals of its surrounding communities and encourages a wide range of volunteer participation through its multi-generational service model.파워볼사이트

Each month, Rivers Casino Team Members volunteer their time to support local organizations throughout the region as part of the Rivers Casino Community Champions program. In July, the Rivers Team Members volunteered their time and effort to support Friends of the Riverfront and Alleghany CleanWays with the Tireless Project.

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