2 Billion Investments In Off-Season Body Care

He’s making history every game.”

CBS in the U.S. explained about LeBron James (39, LA Lakers), a superstar forward of the National Basketball Association (NBA) who flies on the court ahead of the storm. The LA Lakers beat the ‘regional rival’ LA Clippers 130-125 in the NBA regular league game of the 2023-24 season at Crypto Dotcom Arena in Los Angeles, California, on the 2nd (Korea Standard Time). LeBron led the victory with 35 points, 12 rebounds and 7 assists.

LeBron, born in 1984, is the oldest registered NBA player this season. LeBron, who made his NBA debut in 2003 as a Cleveland uniform, is in his 21st season. Ahead of his 40s, he is showing tireless stamina and performance in his prime. He has played an average of 35.7 minutes (five games) per game this season, recording 24.6 points, 9.2 rebounds, and 6.6 assists. According to CBS, LeBron recorded 81 “scoring games with more than 30 points after the age of 35” until the match against the Los Angeles Clippers, rising to No. 1 in NBA history in this category. The previous record was “Mailman” Carl Malone (80 times). “Basketball Emperor” Michael Jordan is in fourth place (39 times).

The secret of LeBron’s performance is thorough self-management. He is known to invest 1.5 million dollars (about 2 billion won) every year to take care of his body even during the off-season. There are not only personal trainers who help with training six days a week, but also personal chefs who help manage diet. In order to recover physical strength quickly, he is also treated to induce blood circulation in a high-pressure oxygen room.

NBC introduced LeBron’s eating habits under the title “The Diet of the Greatest Sports Athlete on Earth.” According to NBC, LeBron enjoys gluten-free bread, vegetables and fish-based dishes. Snacks are replaced by fruits such as bananas. He was a ‘pizza enthusiast’ as a child, but he rarely eats after becoming a player. “I’m happy to contribute to the team’s victory,” LeBron said. “I exercise and take care of my body every day. He said, “I’m not lazy about mental performance.”


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