Second-year guard Yeom Yoo-sung’s fingertips exploded again. 온라인카지노 KOGAS wins a 30-point scrimmage against Sangmyung University.

The Daegu KOGAS Pegasus won 102-72 in a scrimmage against Sangmyung University at Daegu Gymnasium on Nov. 18.
KOGAS held a scrimmage with the men’s national basketball team on the 15th and 16th of this month, which resulted in an encouraging 1-1 record.
In the scrimmage against Sangmyung University, which was played after a day’s rest, the team dominated with strong firepower, hitting 12 three-pointers. Gazpacho also showed its high-sensitivity shooting touch in its victory over the national team on the 15th, taking 28 three-pointers and making 12 of them.
Guard prospect Yeom Yoo-seong, who is entering his second season, led the way with 16 points, including four three-pointers. Shin Seung-min added 13 points, including two three-pointers, and Samjosef Belangel had 12 points and four assists.
Lee Dae-heon, who returned from injury, played 14 minutes and 59 seconds on the night, finishing with 14 points, six rebounds and three assists. Cho Sang-yeol (10 minutes) and Yang Jun-woo (2 minutes, 2 seconds) also returned to the court.
After wrapping up its practice schedule in Daegu, GASCO will resume its practice schedule with teams from the Seoul metropolitan area next week. While the opponents of the metropolitan practice schedule from late July to early August were mainly university teams, this time it is professional teams.
GASCO will start against Sono on the 22nd, followed by DB on the 29th, KT on the 31st, and SK on the 1st. On the 24th and 25th, they will meet Sangsung and Dongguk University at Dongguk University Gymnasium.