Lets Watch Ryu Hyun-jin Fight in Cheongju

Let’s Watch Ryu Hyun-jin Fight in Cheongju… Facility Improvement at the 2nd Stadium Completed this Month

If KBO and Hanwha pass the on-site inspection on the 1st of next month, 6 games will be held in June and August.

Will we be able to see Ryu Hyun-jin’s fight at Cheongju Baseball Stadium, the second stadium of the Hanwha Eagles in professional baseball this year?

Construction to improve facilities at Cheongju Baseball Stadium, which is a prerequisite for hosting Hanwha’s home games, is in the final stages. 토토사이트

Cheongju City

According to Cheongju City on the 17th, the construction of the Cheongju Baseball Stadium infield and outfield safety fence installation is scheduled to be completed by the 29th at the latest.

With the installation of the safety fence, the Cheongju Baseball Stadium facility improvement project that has been underway since September of last year for player safety and spectator convenience is completed.

By the end of last year, the city had secured space between the excitement zone bleachers and the first and third base foul lines, remodeled the dugout, expanded locker room space, replaced damaged bleachers (chairs), and replaced safety nets, and completely replaced the artificial turf this year. .

It was originally scheduled to be completed in early March, but overall construction was delayed due to rain for two days while the artificial turf was being replaced.

The Korea Baseball Organization (KBO) plans to inspect Cheongju Baseball Stadium facilities with the Hanwha team on the 1st of next month.

If the KBO makes a suitable decision, a Hanwha home game will be held at Cheongju Baseball Stadium for the first time in five years this year.

Hanwha won 8 games in 2010, 5 games in 2011, 12 games in 2012, 5 games in 2013, 5 games in 2014, 5 games in 2015, 5 games in 2016, 6 games in 2017, 7 games in 2018, and 7 games in 2019.

The game was played in Cheongju.

Cheongju Baseball Stadium

Cheongju City was unable to host Hanwha home games for the next three years due to the novel coronavirus infection situation and last year because it failed to pass the KBO due diligence.

The KBO pointed out problems with insufficient drainage facilities, narrow first and third base foul areas, and safety fence installation during inspections of Cheongju Baseball Stadium in March 2022 and last year.

Early last year, Hanwha responded to the city’s inquiry regarding hosting the game with the effect that “if facilities are improved and there are no reasons preventing the game from being held, we plan to allocate 6 games (in 2024).”

It is known that Hanwha is considering a plan to hold three games each in June and August at Cheongju Baseball Stadium.

Cheongju Baseball Stadium has a seating capacity of 10,500, and the center fence distance is 115m.

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