Son Heung-min’s (Tottenham) teammate and Brazil international striker Cesc Fabregas has revealed that he has recently experienced personal difficulties and is determined to recover by seeking psychological counseling.”The last five months have been a period of upheaval off the pitch,” he told Brazilian media outlet Globo after Brazil’s 1-0 win over Peru in their South American qualifier for the FIFA Confederations Cup North America 2026 at the Estadio Nacional in Lima, Peru on June 13 (local time).”Now everything is back to normal. “The people who only wanted my money are gone,” he said, “and now things (around me) will be good again, and I’ll be back on my feet with another good performance at Tottenham.”When I get back to England, I’m going to see a psychologist to help me. I’ll get myself together and come back stronger,” he added.Like the Peru game, he started the previous match, a 5-1 win over Bolivia on Sept. 9, but was unable to score a goal and was replaced in the 26th minute by Hwang’s teammate Matheus Cunha (Wolverhampton).Shortly after the substitution, however, the Frenchman was seen breaking down in tears on the bench.”It wasn’t because of my performance, it was because of what was happening off the field,” he said when asked about the moment, “It wasn’t my problem, it was the problem of people close to me. I couldn’t control it.”He did not specify what was bothering him, but Globo said he had recently parted ways with his agent, who had been with him since the beginning of his career.He was expected to be the player to benefit most from the departure of star striker Harry Kane to Bayern Munich (Germany).Indeed, unlike last season, when he was largely a substitute behind Kane, he was chosen by manager Enzi Postecoglou to start the first three games of the regular season.However, the goal drought from last season seems to be catching up with him. After scoring just one goal in 27 regular-season appearances in 2022-2023, he has yet to find the back of the net in the new campaign.As a result, Postecoglou moved Son Heung-min, who had been playing on the left flank, to the front line against Burnley in the fourth round, where he exploded for a hat-trick and showed the importance of goal-scoring.Having resolved his personal issues, the Frenchman heralded a turnaround.”Now it’s important for me to try to help Tottenham do well. “The bad phase will pass,” he said, “I will 스포츠토토존 continue to work hard. I believe in my potential and I know what I can do,” he said.
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